Sharkwater User Reviews

Viewing 1521 to 1530 of 1701 reviews.

I have dove myself with these majestic deplete our waters of such an amazing gift is just unthinkable, we will suffer the irreversible repercushions if we do not take action now. I recommend taking your children to see this enlighting movie, I did, and the future needs to be protected and the adults of the future need to be informed.

Amazing documentary. Very well done and so brave. Thanks to Rob Stewart for all of his efforts by showing to entire world how cruel things have been going on on sharks adn undersea world. THIS IS TIME RIGHT NOW TO DO SOMETHING ALL TOGETHER !!!

From beginning til end of the movie, I just held my self not to cry after seeing all these unfair ignorant human act which is unacceptable. I admire Rob Stewart's effort and time for showing all these things which are extremely important for gathering together and helping eachother to stop those crimes to be able to save our planet and giving the exactly right to the animals which they deserve more than people !!!!!!! Thank you so much for this opportunity making our voice heard by people.

It is wonderful to finally see someone caring about the top predators. All the "fluffy" animals are important but everyone forgets about what the ocean has to offer and what it means to the planet. Great works and sharks are wonderful creatures.

sharkwater was an amazing documentary. I applaud Rob Stewart for his efforts! I was into the film the whole way!

Great film. Clear message: Sharks are beautiful. They are not blood-thirsty man-eaters. We are killing them off for some their fins which are mistakenly believed to have some hokey medicinal power. As the top predators of the sea, they are crucial to marine ecology. Marine ecology is crucial to HUMAN LIFE due to the oxygen produced. Conclusion is we must help these animals. They really are like big cats. Curious, beautiful, awe-inspiring. I work in advertising, and was so moved after seeing the film that I am lobbying to get my agency involved.

One of the best documentaries ever created. I now view sharks in a completely different way. Before I was part of the ignorant population who feared sharks. Now thanks to Rob Stewart and all the others who helped in the film, I see sharks for there true beauty. Such n important and beautiful creature on our planet should be protected.

Fantastic movie I hope everyone who loves sharks like i do will see this film and take action against the shark finning industry

Finally a film that portrays sharks as the magnificent creatures they are - to be admired and protected rather than feared and senselessly destroyed. Rob Stewart is an incredible artist that weaves together beautiful images with a horrendous reality and leaves us all with a critical call to action. If we are to save sharks, we must come together and act now. As a diver and a fellow lover of sharks, I have personally witnessed the critical decimation of these beautiful creatures over the last several years. I can't thank Rob Stewart enough for having the passion and perseverance to bring this cause to the masses. SEE THIS MOVIE. SEND YOUR FRIENDS. BECOME AN ADVOCATE AND MAKE A DIF

It was an incredible film. I applaud Rob Stewart for taking the innititive to get out there, and educate people about the greatly misunderstood sharks. I learned a lot from this movie, and plan on getting as many people as I can to watch it, and become aware of all that Sharkwater brings to light. Amazing cinametography, especially underwater. I had the pleasure of doing a shark dive, and it was an experiance I will never forget. Being in the presenc of such magnificant animals was breath-taking. (Literally.)