Sharkwater User Reviews

Viewing 381 to 390 of 1701 reviews.

this movie is the reality about how people treat sharks and how it neeeds to stop .this is a movie that really makes you think about the world today

A very importmant movie. Everyone should see it, and while you're at it, see The Cove also!

En fran�ais, puisque �a m'est plus facile! Tr�s beau film qui m'a fait r��valuer mes id�e sur la grosse b�b�te des mers qui me faisait peur depuis que j'ai 7 ans- et � cause de spielberg-. Il y en a qui regarde sous leur lit pour v�rifier si il n'y a pas de monstre, moi, je regardait DANS mon lit pour voir si il n'y avait pas de requin mangeur de pieds! Je ne dis pas que la peur panique en mer est termin�e, mais je ne les consid�re plus de la m�me mani�re. Certaines images sont tr�s choquantes...Honte � certains! En un mot: Film tr�s instructif, dont je ne me lasse pas de revoir des passages...Le jour o� j'ai d�cid� de le voir, j'airai voulu que la terre enti�re en profite. Rob Stewart

Everyone should see this film. A real eye opener.

Super film aves des moments d'emocion et des sc�nes t�rribles !!!plus que 5 �toiles c'est 10 que je donne!!

Finally stopped eating seafood after watching this. One of the best documentaries I've seen so far.

I had heard about this film and forgot about it but then I finally got a chance to see it again and was blown away. I then got my kids to watch it too so they grow up aware at the devastation being done to a very critical piece of the oceans ecosystem.


Rob Stewart has done a superb job in this documentary. I recommend Sharkwater to everyone and anyone who expresses a glimmer of interest in helping our planet and saving the apex predator of the oceans. Watch the movie. Then watch it again. And then tell all of your friends and family to watch it.

A fabulous movie. Informative, heartbreaking, and a call to action for ocean lovers everywhere.