Sharkwater User Reviews

Viewing 421 to 430 of 1701 reviews.

Just WONDERFUL movie !!!!! seen a little less than 10 times !!!!!!!

Amazing film that I have now incorporated into my film studies curriculum.

Everyone should see this movie.

Sharkwater opened a new world to me. Before seeing this film I was unaware of everything happening in the oceans. Sharkwater introduced Sea Shepherd to me and now I am proud supporter. I am an animal rights activist, but thanks to Rob Stewart I am an ocean conservatiostionist more than anything.

It's wonderfull movie!!! Thank you so much Rob. The must save the shark

This is an amazing documentary that anyone who cares about animals or the environment should see. Awesome!!

Made me sad to be human. Very gut wrenching.

A lifechanger -thank you.

One of the best movie ever made. I've seen some wild sharks in my life while I was in the water with them. It's a beautiful creature that I respect for their power. 5/5!!!

Great film and will change the way you view not only sharks but everything in the ocean.