Sharkwater User Reviews

Viewing 591 to 600 of 1701 reviews.

we do needed to save all of the sharks

Rod Stewart did an awesome job!

Rob Stewart and Paul Watson, thank you. I think sharks are fantastic creatures, knowing that they\ ve never needed to evolve, and are vital to the ecosystem. People like you do make a difference. You\ ve shown me the truth and its horrible. Thank you for fighting what is wrong! Thanks again

Thank you for opening my eyes and really amazing!! We most do something for stop finning!!

wow..i already knew that shark finning is wide spread, but i wouldntve thought of it being THIS spread!! that movie once again consolidated my point of view concerning human enchroachments into nature. i just cant understand these people..i mean ok, they probably need the money they get by finning sharks, but how is it even possible for a human being to act like that, to simply ignore the way nature or especially the oceans work?? i love you guys for risking your life to show the world that sharks are essential for this planet..THANK YOU !!!

my chem teacher is showed us this movie because she said that it was really good. YUP! she was right. it was really amazing and changed my view on sharks. this movie is just great!


Great it changed the way i thought of sharks i now see how important they are and that there not so agressive to us.

I saw this movie some time ago and it changed my life. I have always loved sharks and to see the film was truly heartbreaking. I am so grateful that someone has undertaken the mission of saving this beautiful and majestic creature.

Truly inspiring! Congrtas\ and strenght to continue!