Sharkwater User Reviews

Viewing 831 to 840 of 1701 reviews.

Human ignorance in the shark fishing industry is totally visable! save the sharks yes but we must also save everything in the ocean as well . great job.

i just saw this movie and i came here to encourage all the work they done to do this movie and all the risks they took so ill tell about it at school to friends and teachers.... i hope that this movie will make a difference

Phenomenal! Makes me more then ever want to go swim with sharks... For me, the Chinese wedding where the lady refused to serve shark fin to 400 guests was proof we can all make a difference in our own way. That lady summed it up when she said \"Its like someone cutting off my ear because they decide it tastes nice, then throwing my body aside just to die...\"

i am a teenager i go to tps in petersfield uk and i watched the film it is amazing yet the thing that makes me upset is that people kill sharks for the fin then leave the body just for shark fin soup it is so upsetting to watch when they do it!! it is so great to know that people would like to stop shark finning and sharkwater is the best way of stopping it and supporting sharks.. :) SAVE OUR SHARKS .. they are beautifull !.. :)

i am only a teenager to and i also have watched the film in school and it is terrible to even think that people would do that to sharks when they have done nothing wrong if they have it was probally only an accident

I just have to say wow, I am a student at UC Irvine and decided to write a series of essays concerning shark finning and came by your movie as I was looking for sources. I just have to say that my mind is boggled my how severe this issue is. I had no idea it was this bad. This has made me very much want to be proactive concerning this issue. It would be so great if we had a screening of this film at my university, espciallly since we have a high population of Asians who I am sure have had exposure to shark fin soup.

Hello, Just to tell you thank you for this job. I\ m just fascinated by these animals and that\ s the first time there are presented like they are... and like i always wanted to see them. I never see them like monsters but I\ have been terrifying during long years by the film Jaws and your production gives us a different way to think and to see them. Lot of pictures are strong and unsupportable but it\ s an obligated passage to really understand what is happening... and what will happen. I hope this action will success. Thank you for being present, thank you for your fight, thank you for you way of think. Congratulations,

Because of this movie it had made me make a final change in my career, I am now gonna be a marine bioligest! thank you for this wonderful and captivating movie

All my life, even the idea of sharks has been my greatest fear... i\ m finally able to say that I have a new found respect for these beautiful creatures. Incredible movie!

I think the movie reflects what exactly is happening in the ocean world and that we as humans are destroying their future life. We should all coeprate and save sharks before it\ s too late. I found the movie absolutely perfect and it changed completly my view of sharks.