Thanks to all of you for your hard work and support. Rob Stewart who started the movement would be so happy! But we still need your help as the bill moves to a final vote in the Senate!
Please continue to sign the petitions to ensure your senators vote YES as well.
The U.S. House passed The Shark Fin Sales Elimination Act (H.R. 737) today (Nov. 20, 2019) in a bipartisan vote of 310-107. The bill bans the sale, possession and transport of any product containing shark fin.
A shout out to Rep Kilili Sablan and Michael McCaul for sponsoring the bill. Sablan is the House Rep from Saipan and Guam, which have been protecting sharks for years. Rob visited the islands in 2011, when the countries banned shark fin trade, as you can see in Rob’s movie, Revolution.
His films, Sharkwater, Revolution and Sharkwater Extinction, taught people around the world to protect sharks. Rob dedicated his life to shark and ocean conservation, saying: “More than ever, sharks need our help, now.”
Click here to sign the petition for Shark Stewards.
Click here to sign the Care 2 petition for Humane Society.