Brown Smooth-hound

About the Brown Smooth-hound

Brown smooth-hounds are commonly found throughout the eastern Pacific Ocean at depths between 0 – 281 m in enclosed, shallow, muddy bays.    

Biology and Behaviour

Brown smooth-hounds are small, slender sharks that have a long, but blunt snout and large eyes. They are reddish-brown on top and off-white underneath. The first dorsal fin is triangular with a frayed trailing fin margin.

They feed on crabs, shrimps, squids and small bony fishes. The brown smooth-hound is one of the sharks that falls prey to the sevengill shark.

Reproduction and Lifespan

Brown smooth-hounds are viviparous with a gestation period of approximately 10 months. Females give birth between three to five pups in a litter and the pups are 19 to 21 cm long at birth. They can grow up to 100 cm and live to 13 years.

Conservation and Tourism

The IUCN lists brown smooth-hounds as least concern. There are currently no species-specific conservation measures, however, Mexico has implemented a closed season for shark fishing from May to July that began in 2012 in order to reduce fishing pressure for sharks in Mexican waters.

Their small size and adaptability in enclosed spaces make them often captured for the the aquarium trade.

Do you have images or videos of Brown Smooth-hounds?
Submit them to [email protected].

Brown Smooth-hound Gallery

Scientific Name Mustelus henlei
OrderGround Sharks - Carcharhiniformes
CitesNot Listed
IUCNLeast Concern
Litter Size 3-5
SpeciesMustelus henlei
Common Length 100.0 cm
Max LenghtNA
Depth Range 0 - 281 m
DistributionEastern Central Pacific, Southeast Pacific