Collared Carpetsharks are small sharks endemic to the eastern coast of Australia. They typically live between 20 to 230 m underwater near and on rocky reefs.
Biology and Behaviour
Like their name suggest, collared carpetsharks have a prominent dark-brown collar around their gills, and have dark spots along its body and fins. They can grow to a maximum length of 87 cm.
Collared carpetsharks typically feed on bottom dwelling crustaceans and mollusks.
Reproduction and Lifespan
These carpetsharks are commonly caught as bycatch from fishing trawls, but there is little known about them.
Conservation and Tourism
The IUCN lists collared carpetsharks as least concern, and there are currently no conservation methods in place for Collared Carpetsharks.
Do you have images or videos of Collared Carpetsharks?
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