Grey Bamboo Shark

About the Grey Bamboo Shark

Grey Bamboo Sharks are found in the Indo-West Pacific Oceans at depths between five to 100 m below. They are common inshore bottom sharks and are often found in estuaries.  

Biology and Behaviour:

There is little known about grey bamboo sharks. Adults are coloured in a variety of brown with an off-white underside, and the young have about 12 dark saddle bands that fade as they grow older.

Grey bamboo sharks nostrils have subterminal on the snout and their moth is closer to their eyes than their snout tip. They are sluggish sharks that hover on sandy or muddy bottoms, on rocks and in coral lagoons.

They feed mainly on small fish, shrimps, worms, molluscs and crabs.

Reproduction and Lifespan:

Grey bamboo sharks are oviparous. Males mature between 45 to 55 cm and can grow to 77 cm long.  

Conservation and Tourism:

The IUCN lists grey bamboo sharks as near threatened, but there are not conservation methods currently in place.

They are kept in public aquariums in the United States, but they are rare in the aquarium trade.

Do you have images or videos of Grey Bamboo Sharks?
Submit them to [email protected].

Scientific NameChiloscyllium griseum
OrderCarpet Sharks - Orectolobiformes
CitesNot Listed
IUCNNear Threatened
Litter Size1
SpeciesChiloscyllium griseum
Common Length61.0 cm
Max LenghtNA
Depth Range0-12 M
DistributionWestern Indian Ocean