Japanese Roughshark

About the Japanese Roughshark

The Japanese roughshark is a shark species found around Japan at depths of 150 to 300 m.

Like all rough sharks, they have a compressed body that gives them a triangular cross-section. They feed on small fish and invertebrates. They have two dorsal fins, the first of which is set far forward, almost at the top of the head. Both dorsal fins have a sharp spine that is usually concealed by the fin. Their skin is very rough and prickly, and they have a luminous organ.

They’re ovoviviparous, but litter sizes are unknown. Young become mature at 54-59 cm, and grow to a maximum length of 65 cm.

They’re caught as bycatch by deep sea trawl fisheries, but are routinely discarded. There isn’t enough information to assess their population health. Their conservation status is “Data Deficient.”

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Scientific Name Oxynotus japonicus
OrderDog and Angelfish Sharks - Squaliformes
CitesNot Listed
IUCNData Deficient
Litter Size Unknown
Common Length 54.0 cm
Max LenghtNA
Depth Range 150 - 300 m
DistributionNorthwest Pacific