The splendid lanternshark is a species of dogfish shark found in the Western Pacific, with known populations in Japan, Taiwan, New Caledonia, and Vanuatu. It has been caught at depths of 120 to 210 m, and there are reports of them at depths of up to 730 m.
Like all lanternsharks, they’re small deep water sharks known for the light-producing photophores on their bodies. The photophores are concentrated mostly on their belly and it works as counter illumination, making the shark seem brighter to match their backgrounds. This makes it easier for the lanternshark to stalk prey. They feed on small squid and other invertebrates.
They’re presumably ovoviviparous and reach a maximum length of 30 cm.
There isn’t enough information to assess their population health. Their conservation status is “Data Deficient.”
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