In Loving Memory of Rob Stewart

Rob Stewart Tribute

Sharkwater – A Tribute to Rob Stewart

We are so deeply grateful to everyone who helped search, and happy that Rob passed while doing what he loved. We are working on how best to honour his incredible work. If you would like to share your memories or messages with the public, please post them using the form below. We are working on a way to share photos as well.
A celebration of life for Rob Stewart

For private messages to the family please click here

Rob Stewart accomplished so much in his life, but there’s still more to do. To honour Rob’s memory, the Stewart family is collecting donations in order to continue his conservation work. You can help by visiting A tax receipt will be issued.

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  1. The ocean has lost its hero. May his work inspire others to follow in his foot steps and continue a legacy that has showed what a great man he was and hero not only to Shark but the oceans. My thoughts and deepest sympathies are with his family during this time

    Leigh Hendey 6:29 pm on February 6, 2017
  2. Hi there. I was trying to Send a Message to the Family however I kept getting an error message. I just wanted to let you know that so in case it was broken you knew about it. 🙂 Kind regards, Amy

    amy reynolds 6:44 pm on February 6, 2017
  3. What a beautiful legacy you’ve left – what an incredibly sad and early end to such a promising life. We are working in an inherently dangerous field, thank you for having been out there with all you had to give. Our thoughts are with your family and friends.

    Gisela & Carsten, Sydney 7:39 pm on February 6, 2017
  4. Rob, your beauty, joy, and love for life is an inspiration. Thank you for your fearlessness.

    Lisa 7:46 pm on February 6, 2017
  5. So sorry to hear of Rob’s passing. The earth is a better place because of him. His family and friends should be very proud of him, as I’m sure they are. We all should take a page from his book; quiet, stubborn solidarity with misunderstood beings on this planet.

    Nancy Clement 8:06 pm on February 6, 2017
  6. Today, I took the time to honor Rob and his contributions. I showed the film Sharkwater to my Global Geography 12 class. I have shown this film to classes before and each time they are left asking more questions, become more engaged and more aware of what we are doing to our own environment and the need to make change. I am so saddened that the world has lost such an incredible advocate and teacher of the oceans. You will be greatly missed. <3 Rest in Peace.

    Rebecca 9:11 pm on February 6, 2017
  7. So sad to hear of Rob’s passing, may you find some peace in knowing that your Rob left the world doing what he truly and deeply loved. He will ALWAYS be remembered for all he did with such an incredible fish!! RIP ROB, YOU will be missed by ALL who loved you and your work.

    Rozena Green 12:24 am on February 7, 2017
  8. Rob was more than a hero to me and he always will be. Im so sad, I cant find any words who could describe. I wouldn´t have thought it possible to feel so much about a person, even though i never met him in person.

    Rob changed defintely my life, my thoughts and the way which person I want to be.
    I will continue to support his Project and I will try to live as good as i can to be a good person, a passionate person, like he was.
    He will always be in my mind and he will continue to live in the hundrets of thousands of people he touched.
    Linda Djidjeh (Bavaria, Germany)

    Thank you for being in this world, Rob.

    Linda Djidjeh 1:12 am on February 7, 2017
  9. Only a moment Rob stayed, but what an imprint his footprints have left on our hearts.

    He changed the world and our mindset of sharks. He inspired thousands of people and also me to protect sharks. Because of Sharkwater, he is the father in spirit of OceanGlobalNet Switzerland and I pledge ä to give my best to save sharks.

    Unfortunately, I only met him once in a live stream for Sharkwater Extinction, but he deeply impressed me with his energy and his love for what he was doing.
    We miss you Rob. You are my hero in the fight for sharks.

    My heart goes out to you and your family at this difficult time.

    Tamara Jezler 1:32 am on February 7, 2017
  10. I had the privilege to meet Rob a few times, and he always gave off a positive energy. I don’t know if it was his connection with the natural world, or his intellect in the sciences. He was awesome. I just signed a petition to name a new shark after him. The Stewart Shark… most definitely.

    Ari 1:39 am on February 7, 2017
  11. Quelle tristesse, la planète et les requins ont perdu un de leur meilleur ami. Quelle peine nous avons. Ton film sharkwater a permis a tellement de monde de voir les requins d’une autre façon. Tu es parti dans ton élément, l’eau. Repose en paix Rob Stewart, nous ferons tout pour que ton combat continue

    Caroline (France)

    Caroline 5:14 am on February 7, 2017
  12. Rob était et restera un héros mondial et le plus grand défenseur des requins.
    Il est parti dans son élément et avec sa passion. Il restera pour toujours dans nos cœurs et nos esprits.
    Nous tous, ses fans, mais surtout ses proches avons été effondrés en apprenant la triste nouvelle.
    C’était et restera un homme incroyable, remarquable, courageux et talentueux.
    Je fais partis de ces plus grande admiratrice. Et je le serais pour toujours. Je l’ai découvert vers mes 12 ans, avec son magnifique film “les seigneurs de la mer”. Il a changer ma vision du monde et celle des requins. C’est grâce à lui que j’ai découvert cette passion pour ces incroyables créatures. C’est lui qui me donnait la force et la motivation pour réussir tout comme lui, dans ce domaine. J’aurai aimée le remercier pour tous ce qu’il à pu faire. Mais j’en aurais jamais l’occasion. Même si sa mort me chagrine énormément et m’a découragée pendant un cours instant. Je ne lâcherais rien.
    Et j’en fais la promesse, j’y arriverais, je ferais comme lui, et j’honorerais sa mémoire a chaque fois, tous les jours et pour toujours. Pour que personne ne te t’oublie Rob. C’est une légende, un modèle, une icône et enfin mon héros.

    Je présente toutes mes condoléances à sa famille et ses amis. Il nous manquera à tous.

    Au revoir Rob <3
    I love you <3

    Pascouau Antonina 6:04 am on February 7, 2017
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