In Loving Memory of Rob Stewart

Rob Stewart Tribute

Sharkwater – A Tribute to Rob Stewart

We are so deeply grateful to everyone who helped search, and happy that Rob passed while doing what he loved. We are working on how best to honour his incredible work. If you would like to share your memories or messages with the public, please post them using the form below. We are working on a way to share photos as well.
A celebration of life for Rob Stewart

For private messages to the family please click here

Rob Stewart accomplished so much in his life, but there’s still more to do. To honour Rob’s memory, the Stewart family is collecting donations in order to continue his conservation work. You can help by visiting A tax receipt will be issued.

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  1. I remember in grade 7 i went to my local mall hoping to find a movie to watch. Instead i came across ‘Sharkwater’… I completely fell in love with Rob and his passion to save the sharks. 10 years later, I still watch his documentary and followed his work. Not going to lie, but I am ashamed at my self for not stepping out of my comfort zone earlier… I have always loved the ocean and i’m been swimming since i was a little kid… but i never took the time to actually go into the water and swim with the beautiful creatures that are vital to our existence.. This year, i am volunteering in Fiji and will be getting the opportunity to go scuba diving with the sea creatures and really experience what I have always wanted to experience… I had always wanted to become a Marine biologist but decided to go into law…But now after watching Sharkwater again and being able to do what i REALLY wanted to do as a kid, I am determined to do what Rob was fighting for. I want to give my part in the fight against shark finning. I was so moved by hearing the death of Rob but i know he died for what he loved and your story and legacy will live on! Thank you Rob and his team for all that you’ve done. I hope one day i can join your team and fight with you all.

    Wadood A 4:05 am on March 27, 2017
  2. Rob Stewart has made a difference in the world. The Ocean will seem less without him. The ocean will not forget him, the world will not forget him. He will live on in the waves of the ocean.

    Liz Casillas 4:12 pm on March 30, 2017
  3. It’s hard to put into words exactly how much Rob inspired me to help save the oceans and planet and to follow my heart.

    I will never forget the first time I watched Sharkwater back in 2009. I was supply teaching for a Grade 10 Science class and it was the only time I have ever been brought to tears that I couldn’t hold back in front of students. I sobbed for most of the class time, only pulling myself together at the very end. I later added Rob on Facebook and noticed he had a Sharkwater screening plus Q & A at the ROM that spring. I went to the event with a friend of mine and after I heard Rob talk about how marine creatures have “love lives and personalities” I knew in my heart I had to go vegan. He was absolutely correct and gently inspired people to do what they knew was right! And he looked cool and used plain language to explain why we needed to save the oceans too! I stopped eating seafood that day, and within 3 months I was a vegetarian, and within 7 years I was a vegan. Today when people ask me why I am vegan I tell them it’s because animals have “love lives and personalities” and they always laugh and then think about how animals are more similar to us than we may think.

    When I talked to Rob after the screening, he made me realize that I have the power to affect change for the better. It is within my ability to use my talents to teach people about the challenges we are facing in regards to natural world and our home. I did my best to start environmentalist clubs and other activities within my school to inspire my students to fight for the planet just like Rob inspired me. I even showed Sharkwater to them and facilitated some discussion about what we can do to protect sharks. I wanted to focus on the solution to the problem just like Rob did. A little while later when Rob was looking for people to help with the research for his new film Revolution I knew I just had to help. It was such a wonderful experience to be part of something so powerful, moving, beautiful and inspirational! I truly enjoyed every aspect of helping with such an important cause from petitioning to fundraising to researching. I was honoured to have my name attached to such an amazing movie and cause!!!!!!!

    Just like the rest of the world I was devastated and heart-broken beyond words to learn of Rob’s passing. It took me a long time to process and come to terms with the profound loss mankind, sharks, animals, and the planet have suffered due to his untimely death. But I know in my heart Rob would want us to keep fighting the good fight and use our unique talents and abilities to save the planet!

    Sending my condolences and love!

    Danielle 1:45 pm on April 13, 2017
  4. R.I.P Rob everyone will miss you and care for you

    Gable 12:41 pm on May 18, 2017
  5. Rob meant so much to me and the rest of us Rob was part of the ocean since the day he was born and he loved it so much. his dream was to stop shark killing and soon died after that but at least he accomplished what he wanted.Rob will live on in my heart and the ocean.

    Conner 2:20 pm on May 18, 2017
  6. This documentary really showed me a dark and cruel reality. I’ve been studying sharks for a few years now and have been in love with them since I was a child – Roberts goals and his attitude was perfect. God bless his heart and soul, I agreed with him totally. SharkWater made me cry and proved to me I need to continue researching and striving to help these beautiful creatures and continue to spread awareness to hopefully stop shark finning for good.

    Sofia Rose 10:09 pm on May 24, 2017
  7. A hero Has left us.

    He opend my eyes and his documentery shark Water let me to resurch more and become vegan.

    Its a great los for this world, he is gone.

    We are in need of people like him <3

    Never forget him..and contine to spred his massage.

    My condolences for his family and friends.
    Must be a even greater los nowing him personally.

    I hope the new documentary or what's made of it comes out in the public too.

    Natalia magdalena Czarnowska 6:35 pm on June 6, 2017
  8. Me and my Husband watched Sharkwater last night. I just wanted to say how touched I was to see somone care so much for animals/mammals. Truely a kind, caring individual.

    KATRINE STREETER 3:54 pm on July 6, 2017
  9. I watched ‘Sharkwater’ for the first time about two weeks ago and he inspired me in so many ways. Up until i watched it, I had no idea what i wanted to study in college. But now I know. I am going to become a marine biologist to help join the fight to protect sharks.

    Serena Smart 2:40 pm on July 7, 2017
  10. It’s very sad that Rob is gone, I have learned a lot on watching his two movies he has created. I never knew that saving ocean creatures were important and I admit I was a person that enjoyed hunting for sharks. But one day a friend introduced me to his movie sharkwater and it made me realize that what my family and I were doing was very horrible. We have stopped shark hunting as well as other animals. It’s been close to five years that we have helped others to realize what they are doing is shameful and cruel. Mr.Stuarts movieSharkwater has been showed here in Texas many times, and it has brought hope to a lot of are residents. We are very thankful for what Rob has done hope we meet more person with big heart like he had.


    Belinda 2:07 pm on July 22, 2017
  11. My first fascination with sharks was when I first seen Jaws in the theatre in the 70’s when it first came out. I was so aw struck to see such a huge fish in still so much fear in us humans from a movie.I then began noticing as I got older the senseless killings of these majestic creatures of the oceans…..That we humans in our typical idiotic ways think that it was better to kill them than to understand them. Sad that so much HATE was created towards the SHARK by one single movie….Fast forward into the the movie SHARKWATER and you had me. You Rob made such an impact that I knew and felt the love you had for these sharks…..You gave it your all and all of us that supported you I know for sure will hold on to that same passion & desire you have shown us to carry on with your message…..PEACE

    mario nunziato 7:39 pm on July 26, 2017
  12. Dear Rob,
    It’s been six months since you have been gone, we have not forgotten you and everything you did to save the sharks, oceans and even the people. I am still in shock that we lost a hero that will forever be in our hearts. We truly miss you lots but deep inside we know your in all the stars and in our oceans watching over us.
    There is no better feeling than waking up in the morning knowing that you’re going to battle to save something you love, and that there are awesome people out there working hard, too, to help you do it. The revolution to save humanity has already begun. All that’s missing is you.
    -Rob Stewart-
    (Save the Humans)

    Anahi 12:52 am on July 31, 2017
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