In Loving Memory of Rob Stewart

Rob Stewart Tribute

Sharkwater – A Tribute to Rob Stewart

We are so deeply grateful to everyone who helped search, and happy that Rob passed while doing what he loved. We are working on how best to honour his incredible work. If you would like to share your memories or messages with the public, please post them using the form below. We are working on a way to share photos as well.
A celebration of life for Rob Stewart

For private messages to the family please click here

Rob Stewart accomplished so much in his life, but there’s still more to do. To honour Rob’s memory, the Stewart family is collecting donations in order to continue his conservation work. You can help by visiting A tax receipt will be issued.

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  1. While I have always loved sharks and supported their conservation, watching sharkwater was life changing for me and helped me to take my desire to conserve sharks to the next level. I organised an event with my basketball club to raise money for shark conservation, and make regular donations to support shark conservation charities.
    I continually encourage others to watch Sharkwater and it almost always has a profound effect on them.
    I was so sorry to hear of Rob’s passing, he has done amazing things for shark conservation and his passion shone through in his work. Thoughts are with family and friends, and I hope that through his work he has inspired many more people to carry on what he has started.

    Steve Shreeve 3:48 pm on May 20, 2018
  2. I was so moved by Rob when I saw his film Revolution. I have watched it so many times and have shared it with many. I want to carry on what he has started and would love to get involved in more than just a donation. How Rob inspired me I would like to inspire others.

    Mindy Young 2:30 am on June 2, 2018
  3. I am very hurt…Just watched the documentary …… why do you do his….

    Alyssa 12:16 pm on June 11, 2018
  4. I‘ve never seen a film that left me impressed me more than SHARKWATER. It was beautyful and devastating. Thank you for your inspiration! We can‘t worship your work enough!!! And how thankful we are to have been able to show our jids, what amazing creatures sharks are during snorkeling in The Abacos Bahamas – swimming very close to us and doing us no harm.

    Gerda Lempen 7:15 pm on June 22, 2018
  5. We miss Rob Stewart and honor his legacy.
    30 festival directors who praized his work left very moving comments on my website since I helped his films tour he fest circuit.
    Check this:

    Bruno Chatelin 7:46 am on July 4, 2018
  6. I love sharks and wht Rob Stewart has done is amazing and all the awareness he has raised is epic

    Sherri komorny 9:38 pm on July 18, 2018
  7. 8 years ago in my Senior year of High School, my Marine Biology teacher showed us Sharkwater. It blew my mind. It opened my eyes to a world I never knew existed. I followed Rob’s journey ever since then. I cried when I read about what happened. But I was happy he passed doing something he loved and cared about so much. Thank you Rob for showing me and the world what monsters are out there and ways that we can help.

    Presley Kern 3:22 pm on July 25, 2018
  8. Hi! I’m Nate!

    I have LOVED sharks since I was two years old (I’m turning eight this month); kids at school call me shark boy. SHARKWATER is my favourite film and Rob Stewart is my hero. I want to be just like him when I grow up. I want to save and protect sharks. I only wish I could have met him. I plan on being a shark biologist when I grow up.

    Right now, I teach people about sharks and how important it is to be environmentally aware. I tell them about Rob and the important work that he did. I raise money for foundations like these.

    I can’t wait for SHARKWATER 2. I plan to bring my whole family to see it.

    Nate 10:06 am on August 7, 2018
  9. Dear Rob,

    You are still making waves long after you’ve gone.

    I had a discussion with a 7 year old today who told me sharks were monsters. By the end of our discussion, and a watching a few of your video clips, he left with a changed mind.
    I told him stories of my mother and father, who are divers and who dive with sharks every day. I told him of myself, at 8 years old, swimming with sharks, and finding their nursery (having baby sharks swimming over my legs in the shallows).

    Know that there are those of us who are taking up the baton in your place. Whether by outright activism, or in-class education. We will get there.

    Rest In Peace.


    Kire 4:51 am on September 22, 2018
  10. This documentary was so wonderful Rob did a wonderful job. He would be so proud of his tream. It will educate people who don’t know what’s going on. Sharks finning is just cruel, and fishing on something thats so critical, n its wrong. They play such an important role on keep the oceans health and we need them. People might not realize that what they are doing, catch and release, might seem to be great but it does more harm than anyone realizes. i am a backer and am sad that he cannot do anymore. Hopefully his team can do more in his name.
    Rob did a great job, he will be missed.

    Jules Hazard 2:33 pm on March 1, 2019
  11. Dear , The Stewart’s

    My name is Lauren ,I loved sharks and watching Sharkwater has changed me for the better it was a beautiful, inspirational and sad film that touched many people and saved many sharks so I want to help robs lecagcy live , Mu friend and I created a Instagram account called Sharkwaterjr if you ever want to check it out . thank you
    Lauren Masterson

    Lauren Masterson 6:58 pm on March 25, 2019
  12. What an amazing human being! A brave spirit. Awareness is vital and Rob’s love and passion for the Sharks and the ocean must be kept alive and going. We are all so connected to this planet, it’s time we all break out of our bubble and make a difference. Your spirit lives on Rob Stewart.

    Tammy Merayias 11:31 pm on April 17, 2019
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