Carpet Sharks – Orectolobiformes

Shark Database | Carpet Sharks – Orectolobiformes

Orectolobiformes, also known as carpet sharks, are a diverse of sharks characterized for having two dorsal fins, five gill slits, and relatively short mouths. Several species have barbels and some have intricate carpet-like patterns, which give this order its nickname. Orectolobiformes range in size from just over 30 cm, like some species of @carpet shark, to the whale shark, the largest fish in the ocean, which can be up to 14 m long.

All Sharks In This Order:

Hasselt’s Bamboo Shark

Hasselt’s Bamboo Shark

Family: Hemiscylliidae | Genus: Chiloscyllium | Species: Chiloscyllium hasseltii | CITES: Not Listed | IUCN: Near Threatened

Hasselt’s bamboo sharks can be found in inshore waters around Thailand, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Indonesia and Vietnam at depth of 12 m below on sandy and muddy bottoms. Biology and Behaviour: Hasselt’s bamboo sharks can grow to a length of… read more.

Hooded Carpet Shark

Family: Hemiscylliidae | Genus: Hemiscyllium | CITES: Not Listed | IUCN: Vulnerable

Hooded Carpet Sharks are mostly an unknown species. They can be found around the Western Pacific Ocean near Papua New Guinea. They reside in tropical waters on coral reefs especially if there is an abundance of corals. Their swimming depth… read more.

Indonesian Speckled Carpet Shark

Indonesian Speckled Carpet Shark

Family: Hemiscylliidae | Genus: Hemiscyllium | CITES: Not Listed | IUCN: Near Threatened

Indonesian speckled carpet sharks now have a restricted range in the Indonesian province of Papua Barat (West Papua). They were previously believed to have a wider range.    Biology and Behaviour: Indonesian speckled carpet sharks occur in shallow waters on… read more.

Japanese Wobbegong

Family: Orectolobidae | Genus: Orectolobus | CITES: Not Listed | IUCN: Data Deficient

The Japanese wobbegong shark is a carpet shark found inshore, usually in sand or sandy mud bottoms as well as on rocky and coral reefs. This species is native to the Western and Northern Pacific and is common from Japan… read more.

Leopard Epaulette Shark

Family: Hemiscylliidae | Genus: Hemiscyllium | CITES: Not Listed | IUCN: Near Threatened

The Leopard Epaulette Shark is a species is bamboo shark member of the family Hemiscyllium, found in the Pacific Ocean east of Papua New Guinea. Mature females reached a size of 69 cm TL and males reach maturity at 60… read more.

Necklace Carpetshark

Family: Parascylliidae | Genus: Parascyllium | Species: Parascyllium variolatum | CITES: Not Listed | IUCN: Least Concern

Necklace Carpetsharks prefer tropical waters down to 180 m deep. They are endemic to southern Australia and occur in a variety of habitats such as sandy bottoms, rocky reefs, beds of kelp and seagrass beds. Biology and Behaviour: The Necklace… read more.

Network Wobbegong

Family: Orectolobidae | Genus: Orectolobus | CITES: Not Listed | IUCN: Data Deficient

The network wobbegong is a newly discovered carpet shark species found around Western and Northern Australia. It is very similar to the northern wobbegong, and had been thought to be the same species. They’re one of the members of the… read more.

Northern Wobbegong

Northern Wobbegong

Family: Orectolobidae | Genus: Orectolobus | CITES: Not Listed | IUCN: Least Concern

The Northern wobbegong shark is a reef-associated tropical carpet shark found in the Western Central Pacific, usually in shallow waters across northern Australia.   Biology and Behaviour: The Northern wobbegong shark is a small broad shark with a marks on… read more.

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