Orectolobiformes, also known as carpet sharks, are a diverse of sharks characterized for having two dorsal fins, five gill slits, and relatively short mouths. Several species have barbels and some have intricate carpet-like patterns, which give this order its nickname. Orectolobiformes range in size from just over 30 cm, like some species of @carpet shark, to the whale shark, the largest fish in the ocean, which can be up to 14 m long.
Family: Hemiscylliidae | Genus: Hemiscyllium | CITES: Not Listed | IUCN: Least Concern
Speckled Carpetsharks are widely dispersed around Australia and possibly Indonesia. They reside in shallow tropical waters and along coasts and on coral reefs of up to 50 m deep. Biology and Behaviour: Speckled carpetshark is a small species that… read more.
Family: Orectolobidae | Genus: Orectolobus | Species: Orectolobus maculatus | CITES: Not Listed | IUCN: Least Concern
Spotted Wobbegongs are endemic to Australia that live inshore and offshore in temperate to tropical waters at depths up to 248 m near corals and rocky reefs, coastal bays, seagrass beds, under piers and sandy bottoms. Biology and Behaviour… read more.
Family: Parascylliidae | Genus: Cirrhoscyllium | CITES: Not Listed | IUCN: Data Deficient
The Taiwan saddled carpetshark is found on the ocean floor or close to the bottom in subtropical areas of the northwestern Pacific. This species is also referred to as the Collared carpet shark. The Taiwan saddled carpetshark is a small… read more.
Family: Orectolobidae | Genus: Eucrossorhinus | CITES: Not Listed | IUCN: Least Concern
The Tasselled wobbegong shark is reef-associated carpet shark native to the Indo-West Pacific. It’s found in areas like eastern Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and northern Australia, and commonly encountered on the Great Barrier Reef. Biology: The Tasselled wobbegong shark… read more.
Family: Ginglymostomatidae | Genus: Nebrius | Species: Nebrius Ferrugineus | CITES: Not Listed | IUCN: Vulnerable
The tawny nurse shark is a bottom feeder found on continental and insular shelves. They are native to the Indian and Pacific oceans. They occur in places like the Persian Gulf, the Red Sea and East Africa as well as… read more.
Family: Hemiscylliidae | Genus: Hemiscyllium | CITES: Not Listed | IUCN: Data Deficient
The Triton Epaulette Shark is a species of carpetshark found in West Papua, Indonesia, at depths of between 3m and 30m. They are thought to be nocturnal and although they are usually found resting on the ocean floor, they have… read more.
Family: Orectolobidae | Genus: Orectolobus | CITES: Not Listed | IUCN: Data Deficient
The Western wobbegong shark is a carpet shark found in tropical waters of the Eastern Indian Ocean. This species lives in shallow water, in the continental shelf and is commonly found off south-west Australia. The Western wobbegong shark is yellowish-brown… read more.
Family: Rhincodontidae | Genus: Rhincodon | CITES: Listed Appendix II | IUCN: Vulnerable
Whale Sharks are the largest fish in the world. They can reach lengths of over 20m and weigh over 40 tons. They can be found in most of the world warm oceans except the Mediterranean. These sharks like water temperatures… read more.
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