Sharkwater User Reviews

Viewing 1031 to 1040 of 1701 reviews.

This is truly an amazing and touching documentary. Although it was kind of disturbing at some sight but it certainly did sent a strong message across to stop the finning. Thank you Bob for all the great effort in making this documentary. I hope this documentary will allow not only me but also to all divers from around the world to spot more sharks during their dive trips in coming years.

powerful film. makes me wish i had a magic wand.

You have inspired me a lot. I am only 14, but this movie has inspired me to save sharks. This film makes us all aware of the inhumane and torture that animals such as sharks and turtles recieve. The saddest footage of that turtle being killed was terrible...

What a magnificent piece of work and how tragic at the same time. Thank you for opening my eyes to a cause that deserves all of our support. We all have a moral duty to spread the word and support your noble efforts. Bravo.

I didn\ t know what I was getting myself into when I started watching this movie, and by its end I was devastated by the desecration done to these animals by the shark fin hunters. How can those of us not eating this product ever stop its harvest, so embedded in a culture known for its lack of environmental sensitivity? Westerners aren\ t paragons either, but we have become aware, and Rob, with this movie, we are more aware of the undefended sharks, and you are the one man who has started that mission. I hope that your voice becomes a huge roar which no one can turn away from. Thank you for the vision.

I have just seen the documentry for the first time. Rob you have done a supereb job on making this and im sure have opened a huge amount of peopls eyes to what is going on in the world not just the costa ricans but world wide. I have dived with sharks myself and what amazing creatures close up in the flesh. Just wish i could do it every day and help them to survive.

Such an amazing movie.

i absolutely loved this film i have watched it 3 times and i will many more these people should be brought to justice,im planning to dive with sharks next year in the bahammas.

Bonjour, Je suis du Qu�bec et ce film m\ a profond�ment touch�e. Nous devons agir pour sauver les requins ainsi que notre plan�te. Il faut �duquer le plus grand nombre de gens possible et ne plus jamais permettre un tel massacre. Sauvons les requins car notre survie en d�pend !

Bonjour, je suis de france, et je viens de visionner ce film. Il est tout simplement extraordinnaire. J\ espere qu\ il va permettre au plus grand nombre de prendre conscience de cette situation dramatique. Cette vid�o doit �tre diffus�e dans les �coles pour que nos enfants ne reproduisent plus jamais cette barbarie.