Sharkwater User Reviews

Viewing 641 to 650 of 1702 reviews.

I\ m watching this video in class and it opened my eyes I plane to write a book about shark fining my plane is to save as any sharks as I cant. I can\ t stand to know that a shark is dieing

I watched this documentary and now i am determined to help. I want to travel and learn more about this. I find this whole idea incredibly interesting and i don\ t know how i went along not knowing this information. This movie is incredible and i am going to change something, we need to change this.

I think this is defiantly the best thing I have EVER seen in my whole life. I even cried while I was watching this awesome Documentary. I was just so amazed while I was watching it! I Hope this movie has really made others think about how sharks really mean to us.

What they are doing is murder,Sharks have as much right to live as we do and in many ways they have more rights,everyone is trying to save pandas,elephants,and polar bears but the corparations don\ t care about Sharks simple becuase of there mythology as monsters we are the monsters!!All of ous who think this,we must act quickly to save the Sharks!!

I saw the documentary Sharkwater in a fishing museum. I was repulsed. Right now I am writting a report on shark finning and am doing everything I can to raise awareness for the soon come extinon of sharks.

did I already comment :S? Hmph...Well im doing my school project on this, and thats FINAL! O.o i think im obbsessed, only 13 but this is obviously a crime! And a horribly covered massacre. Geez, who do they think they are? Trying to eleminate a species like that?! I love this movie. Amazing.

i have a small crew of people helping you. you are not alone with helping sharks.

WOW this movie is really good and shows alot on shark finning. I am only 11 years old I know I can make a difference. Those NASTY shark finners and killers how would they like it if I came and said your arms and legs are worth lots and lots of money I\ m gonna cut them off and sell them to make human arm and leg soup and then throw them in to the lake to die. That is the same as shark finning. They are destroying mother earth eco system. They have forgotten that the sea life and animals are our brothers and sisters all living on mother earth. I think that you rob stewart are doing the right thing. So are you SEA SHEPERDS!!!!!!!!!!!

i think people are being mean to not just sharks all animals and they should stop becuase if there where no animals there would be no people!:)

Before i saw sharkwater i thought i was going to be so scared watching animals get fined and getting really hurt!To be honest with you i really did not like sharks they scared me, but after watching sharkwater i really think they are a really cool sea animal!I know i am only 11 years old but i know if i help and so do some of my friends, we can make a difference!YOU CAN DO IT!By the way i live in Canada really close to Toronto!Your movie is GREAT!