The Carcharhiniformes, also known as ground sharks, are the largest order of sharks. There are over 250 species in this order and include common sharks such as the @tiger shark, @blue shark, and the @giant hammerhead shark. They are characterized by having two dorsal fins, an anal fin, five gill slits, and a nictitating membrane to protect their eyes.
Family: Scyliorhinidae | Genus: Cephaloscyllium | Species: Cephaloscyllium laticeps | CITES: Not Listed | IUCN: Least Concern
Australian Swellsharks, also known as draughtboard shark, are endemic to shallow water off the coast of southeastern Australia at depths up to 220 m. Biology and Behaviour Australian swellsharks have a short, broad head and a round, brownish to greyish… read more.
Family: Hemigaleidae | Genus: Hemigaleus | Species: Hemigaleus australiensis | CITES: Not Listed | IUCN: Least Concern
The Australian weasel shark is an uncommon ground shark that inhabits shallow waters off the coast of northern Australia at depths up to 170 m. Biology and Behaviour Australian weasel sharks are medium sized, but with a slim greyish to… read more.
Family: Scyliorhinidae | Genus: Atelomycterus | CITES: Not Listed | IUCN: Vulnerable
The Bali Catshark is a relatively small catshark only found off the coast of the Indonesian island of Bali. Biology and Behaviour Very little is known about the Bali catshark. Their diet is unknown, but they most likely eat small… read more.
Family: Scyliorhinidae | Genus: Cephaloscyllium | Species: Cephaloscyllium sufflans | CITES: Not Listed | IUCN: Least Concern
Balloon Sharks, also known as Indian swellsharks, are endemic to Mozambique and South Africa in the western Indian Ocean at depths between 40 to 600 m over sandy and muddy flats. Biology and Behaviour Balloon sharks are thick bodied catsharks… read more.
Family: Triakidae | Genus: Triakis | Species: Triakis scyllium | CITES: Not Listed | IUCN: Least Concern
Banded Houndsharks are relatively widespread and common throughout its distribution from southern Russia to China in the Northwest Pacific Ocean. They mostly frequent sandy flats, beds of seaweed and eelgrass close to shore at depths of 150 m. Biology and… read more.
Family: Scyliorhinidae | Genus: Atelomycterus | CITES: Not Listed | IUCN: Least Concern
The Banded Sand Catshark is a shallow water shark that can be found in the eastern Indian Ocean at depths between 27 to 122 m over mud, sand or shelly-sand bottom. Biology and Behaviour They have black spots, a… read more.
Family: Leptochariidae | Genus: Leptocharias | CITES: Not Listed | IUCN: Near Threatened
The Barbeled Houndshark is a species of ground shark and the only member of the family Leptochariidae. This demersal species is found in the coastal waters of the eastern Atlantic Ocean from Mauritania to Angola. Biology and description: The Barbeled… read more.
Family: Scyliorhinidae | Genus: Parmaturus | CITES: Not Listed | IUCN: Data Deficient
The Beige catshark is a species of ground shark found in Northeastern Australia. Like all members of the catshark family, they’re bottom feeders, have elongated cat-like eyes, and two small dorsal fins set far back. They’re mostly nocturnal and often… read more.
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