Squaliformes are a large and diverse order of sharks characterized by having two dorsal fins, no anal fin, and no nictitating membrane. They’re found all over the world. Some popular species are the @greenland shark, the @gulper shark, and the @viper dogfish.
Family: Squatinidae | Genus: Squatina | CITES: Not Listed | IUCN: Critically Endangered
The Sawback Angelshark sometimes referred to as monkfish, is a critically endangered shark which is native to the Mediterranean and the eastern Atlantic. Their habitat is an intensely fished area and they are easily caught by trawlers, as they like… read more.
Family: Centrophoridae | Genus: Centrophorus | CITES: Not Listed | IUCN: Data Deficient
Seychelles gulper sharks are recently described and collected during a research cruise by a trammel net. They are deep-water sharks and distinguished by their long snout. They can be seen in the Western Indian Ocean around the Seychelles island at… read more.
Family: Squalidae | Genus: Squalus | CITES: Not Listed | IUCN: Data Deficient
The Squalus Lalannei, also known as the Seychelle’s Spurdog, is a deepwater shark that belongs to the Squalidae family. Biology: Known only from the holotype (female: 78.8 cm TL)and paratype (male: 61.5 TL) collected during a research cruise by trammel… read more.
Family: Somniosidae | Genus: Scymnodalatias | CITES: Not Listed | IUCN: Data Deficient
Sherwood’s dogfish is a very rare and little-known species of sleeper shark endemic to New Zealand. They are found at depths of between 400m and 500m. They grow to at least 80cm but nothing else is known of their ecology…. read more.
Family: Squalidae | Genus: Squalus | CITES: Not Listed | IUCN: Data Deficient
The short-nose spurdog is a species of dogfish found in temperate and tropical waters around in world. It’s most common off the coast of western and southern Africa, as well as southern Australia and South East Asia. They are found… read more.
Family: Etmopteridae | Genus: Etmopterus | CITES: Not Listed | IUCN: Data Deficient
The short-tail lanternshark is a species of dogfish shark found around Western and Northern Australia, Japan, and Philippines. Like all lanternsharks, they’re small deep water sharks known for the light-producing photophores on their bodies. The photophores are concentrated mostly on… read more.
Family: Etmopteridae | Genus: Etmopterus | CITES: Not Listed | IUCN: Data Deficient
The Etmopterus brachyurus, or Short-tail Lanternshark, is a small, deepwater lanternshark restricted to areas like Japan, the Philippines and off eastern and western Australia. Found on the upper continental slope of the northwest Pacific ocean, 400-610 metres deep, this shark can… read more.
Family: Squalidae | Genus: Squalus | CITES: Not Listed | IUCN: Data Deficient
The shortspine spurdog is a dogfish species found around the world on continental shelves in temperate and subtropical oceans, at depths of 0 to 950 m. These sharks have smooth spines on their dorsal fins. They usually grow up to… read more.
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